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Insure Your Most Valuable Asset—Your Income

Disability Insurance

Disability insurance is an important part of your financial planning, especially for individual business owners who do not have coverage from an employer. Disability insurance provides a partial paycheck in the event you cannot work due to an injury, illness, or short- or long-term disability. Policies will typically provide 40 – 60% of your normal salary, which can help pay for things like your mortgage or rent, car payment, food, utility bills, and childcare. Our experts can explain your options, answer your questions, and make sure you protect your income should the unexpected happen.

Consider Protecting Your:

  • Small business income
  • Private practice income
  • Freelance or consulting business income

Protect Yourself From:

  • Back pain and injuries
  • Cancer
  • Circulatory problems
  • Digestive disorders
  • Heart attack or stroke
  • Mental health issues
  • Musculoskeletal injuries
  • Pregnancy


How does disability insurance work?

Most disability insurance pays you a percentage of your regular income if you get sick with a serious illness or experience an injury that prevents you from doing your job.

Does disability insurance protect the self-employed or small business owners?

Individual disability insurance covers anyone who does not receive disability insurance through an employer, including the self-employed.

What does disability insurance cost?

Premiums are based on the insured’s age, health history, the benefit amount, the benefit period selected, and the elimination period. We can provide a quote so you can get a sense of your options.




Disability Insurance FAQ

Learn More: Disability Insurance FAQ


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Decorative map of World Insurance Associates locations. View all locations: 260+ Locations to Serve You


What Types of Personal Insurance Coverage Do I Need?

Learn More: What Types of Personal Insurance Coverage Do I Need?