Is your garden producing more than your family can keep up with? Perhaps you’ve mastered a craft that could earn you some extra cash. Farmer’s markets are a popular community pastime, and if you’ve taken a stroll through one on a Saturday morning, you may have considered joining in on the sales. However, before you jump aboard this money-making opportunity, you should understand the steps to setting up a booth. Learn how to sell at a farmer’s market.
You may have decided what you’ll sell based on your green thumb or knack for creating homemade goods. However, some items may take a considerable amount of effort to produce, like vegetables and knitwear, so you’ll need to work out a timeline of when you’ll be ready to start selling and reserve a spot at the market ahead of time. Some farmer’s markets have rules about what you’re permitted to sell, so it’s crucial to do your research.
While a booth at a farmer’s market may not be as complex as launching a brick-and-mortar business, you’ll still need a plan. A few considerations you should include in your business plan are:
No matter your level of investment, a business plan will help you shed light on the unknowns of selling at a farmer’s market.
Since farmer’s market vendors make almost everything from scratch, there can be some risks associated with their booth display and product. Fortunately, there are several affordable policies to keep you covered:
If your business eventually grows and you bring on employees, you'll need worker's compensation insurance.
Being prepared before you sell at a farmer’s market can help your new endeavor prosper. You’ll also need insurance to safeguard your new business, despite how small it may be. World Insurance Associates works to outfit businesses big and small with the right commercial insurance. If you’re gearing up to start your own business, get in touch today.
This article is not intended to be exhaustive, nor should any discussion or opinions be construed as legal advice. Readers should contact legal counsel or an insurance professional for appropriate advice.